Tariffs and the Big Cheese

You may not have heard, but there was a debate between two political candidates last week and it could have a negative effect on public health. We have already felt part of the negative effects of inflation but at least one of the ideas could make it worse, tariffs

Let’s think about what a tariff really is. It’s like saying, if you want to sell a bike to a kid, first they have to give your parents money just because.

The countries faced with tariffs can do one of several things. First, they can say, “no thanks” and not sell us their goods. Remember, the only reason they could sell us their goods in the first place is because they were selling them cheaper (or it’s a better product) than our own manufacturers could sell it to us. So, we lose the cheaper or better goods and are stuck with our higher priced ones.

Read the full piece on my Substack here.

Richard Williams